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Because God is Omniscient, He is proactive in all His dealings with Man. He created Man and had him ensconced in His Holy Garden of Eden. There he had a beautiful and harmonious relationship with him so much so that in the cool of the day. He strolled into the Garden for a visit. Then Man sinned, rebelled, by disobedience, against God and God threw him out of the Garden. Now, the dilemma. God had lost a friend which was contrary to His intention when he created him. His purpose for creating Man was for worship and fellowship. Was God surprised at Adam’s Sin? Not at all. He set rules on how Adam should live in his holy Garden and if there were rules it means God foresaw possible violation and consequences. Thus means that God had a plan of what to do, even before the creation of Adam. The plan essentially was how to bring man back to the path of holiness and perfection in order to reconnect with God.
          Throughout the Old Testament God put in place a plan to bring man back to himself. It started even in the Garden when God shared the blood of an animal and used its skin to clothe (or cover the nakedness of) Adam and his wife Eve.) Then the destruction of the earth with the flood, saving only a family of eight, the family of Noah. Noah was a preacher of holiness. The Spiritual life of the Children of Israel was guided by the ritual of atonement which involved the confession of Sins upon a Scape goat and then the Slaying of Sacrificial lamb whose blood was used for the ritual cleansing. But the cleansing was a yearly thing because the blood of animal skin only covered the outward shame of Adam and Eve in the Garden, and it was temporary. Only the blood of sinless man could remove a Sin, but man was born in Sin. God sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for Man’s Sin so that all who believe in him would have their Sins forgiven, become justified and once again be made righteous so they would not face the wrath of God on the day of Judgment.
          This is the message of the soul winner and God’s plan and purpose for saving man was in place even before man’s creation. How the Soul winner goes about this task of propagating the good news of Christ’s loving act of dying in place of sinful man so the lost can be saved Is the essence of this project.

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