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Whenever the issue of money is raised anywhere, it takes a different dimension. Age long relationships and agreements, bonds and ties are often broken because of monetary contentions. I mean why not, lives are changed by the good things money can buy, hope is given, loss is restored and most times, relationships are sustained by the good of money. We often equate money with success, some people think otherwise.
Don’t think I would ever tell you otherwise. That I would tell you that money will not give you a certain level of security in your relationship; because it will, that is the truth.
Then comes love, “The greatest of all” what is it really? When your heart starts to beat faster and probably misses few beats for someone! Or when you get goose pimples when you see “that” person, or even when you cannot utter a single word correctly in his/her presence! Really! I don’t think so. If love were to be just feelings, then I don’t think we all will be here today.
The dictionary defines love as great liking or affection to someone or something. Then you here things like; oh I love burgers! I think it is choice to sacrifice or not, to hold onto or let go, it definitely is a choice to commit or not. Feelings are not stable at all, they change irrespective of what I think about them but my decision to commit or not, to sacrifice or not doesn’t change until I make them. That, Honey, is the first great difference.
I must warn you; I am not a relationship expert, I have been into few and they had been a disaster. My only qualification is that I stay in the mist of people that love me for me.
Then, what will you do when you have these beautiful choices; the one that gives you the “good” things (money), or the one that promises to care (love). You have to choose one over the other; or rather you have to choose one before the other. Yes! Here lies the hard question. You might result to permutation; love before money, no! Money before love. NO! NO!
I mean you can’t eat love or romance, you can’t wear them, feed your children, pay school fees and the crazy NEPA bills with it! I know I can’t. We all long and want security, we want assurance, we need protection from the wolves the society let loose and maybe inclined to choose the easy way out (or so it seems). I will never underestimate the value of money in building homes and raising children, the protective role it plays cannot also be underestimated. But then, what greater protection can you give to a being except the protection of the heart!
This question is a very subjective one and requires a subjective answer. After all, we are living in a free world and in a “Democratic State”. We have rights to choose and choose we must.
But you must know; when the canopies are down, the wedding bells have been rung and songs sung, in the quiet, the heart will seek for what it is meant for, which is LOVE and love only.

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